The Wealthy Rebel

Signature private 1:1 coaching

the brand, content, mindset
& leadership program for iconic entrepreneurs


Right now you're creating content solely for the offers you're selling instead of speaking to the heart and characteristics of your highest level dream client.

Everything became so "strategic" and your magic & IT Factor faded in the background. You feel like you've lost the passion behind what you’re talking about and your content is blending in and sounding like every other person in your industry. And because of that, you're not signing as many dream clients.

You have the skills, you feel like you know what to do, but your content isn’t quite landing and whenever you get a sale, It just feels like "luck”

You’re getting interest in your offers, but your sales conversations are slow and drawn out. It feels like something isn't clicking to get your dream clients to invest right away


Private coaching for the trailblazers, the disruptors, the bold, fierce, & fun CEOs. 

Client B had A $9k day within the first 2 months of working together (& $18k monthS that she’s never dipped below) 

Client S had 300 hot leads from a single post & completely booking out her 1:1 coaching

leading herself & showing up more authentically

client G had 7 leads reach out after posting a ig story series with her it factor

High vibe moves for the high level woman

Be fully expressed & 100% the authentic in your content, offers, and client experience.

Scale your business to a point where you can work less, but make more $$$ and create an even greater impact

Attract only the types of clients you LOVE working with

Have a SIMPLE, yet effective way to make content that reaches your dream client and gets them to take action

You're ready to 

It's time to dial up your IT Factor & stand the F out

Magnetic Messaging that has people jumping into your programs w/out a sales call or a million objections.

Strengthening your identity so that no matter what you face in business, you're unstoppable.

Uncovering & unleashing your IT Factor to be a magnet that dream clients flock to and are obsessed with.

Creating a STAND OUT brand that's different and sets you apart in your industry. using your energy, visuals, & messaging

Here's how we're going to do it


A 6-Months of Leveling Up

A highly supportive & personalized 1:1 coaching container designed to help you build a brand & business that is an extension of you. Private coaching is the key to unleashing your IT Factor and 3xing your sales and signing dream clients on repeat because of it.


i'm ready! apply here

6 months of customized 1:1 support which includes:

Up to weekly 60-min 1:1 up-level calls with krystal where we’ll refine your magnetic messaging, map out potent launch plans, unleash more of your it factor into all of your offers, all of which will help you 3x your income & impact

An organized & private Slack space for messaging support Monday - thursday. A place outside of our calls where you can share your wins, ask Krystal questions and MORE

Access to my entire digital library

A wholistic approach to building your stand out brand with content that effortlessly attracts dream clients you love working with.

meet your coach

I get to help women realize their unique gifts & talents and come home to their authentic selves. Using my unique methodology, The Rich Life Framework, we'll create IT Factor content that will 3x your income & impact and sign ONLY clients that you love to work with.

Ready to unlock the powerful parts of you & become the ONE with the IT Factor?

Hi, I'm Krystal!

work with krystal!

I love that...

let's freaking go!

Ready to unleash your Wealthy Rebel within?

apply now